Andrew Taylor's Blog

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

The opening plenary of the Grantmakers in the Arts conference featured a fabulous performance by spoken word artist Marc Kelly Smith and the Speak’Easy Ensemble (Robbie Q. Telfer, Joel Chmara, Tim Stafford, Molly Meacham, and Dan Sullivan). Their task was … Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

Joi Ito’s luncheon keynote yesterday keeps spinning in my head. The CEO of Creative Commons has been involved in many technology startups as an entrepreneur and venture capitalist, and part of his talk explored how innovation and invention is changing … Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

There was some useful and difficult discussion today at the Grantmakers in the Arts conference. But two commonly commented assumptions are well worth a revisit. Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

The Grantmakers in the Arts conference in Chicago is swirling around the question of capital and capitalization in the arts. So, we might as well define what exactly that is. Continue reading

Posted on by Andrew Taylor

I'm thrilled to be an 'official' blogger for the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference, and particularly thrilled that there's a special emphasis on the impact of capital investment and infrastructure... Continue reading