Theaster's Blog

Posted on by Theaster

Ute, these are great points. I think you are helping me sort through issues of assessment and value. I believe that the motivations of selection are with the best intentions and that the rubrics created are about insuring the best … Continue reading

Posted on by Theaster

Ute, we have been responsible to say the least in using this slow building format that allows us a seemingly neutral place on the matter or funding relationships but I think it would be irresponsible if we didn’t spend a … Continue reading

Posted on by Theaster

Thanks everybody for chiming in. I agree Ute; it is nice to simply get a check in the mail. More of those please! I also think that its important that we reflect on why we are being successful and not … Continue reading

Posted on by Theaster

Ute, Aretha was a nice touch. While I rarely play the role of the victim, it IS easy to criminalize funders, partly because young, emerging and even some professional artists have such a complex relationship to money and people with … Continue reading

Posted on by Theaster

Ute, Thank you for agreeing to this electric space with me. Such relationship-based topics can be difficult to discuss, especially in plain view. Having courses is a great way to move the conversation forward. I have found that over dinner, … Continue reading