Alexis's Blog

Posted on by Alexis

1 out of 3 boys born to African American families today will likely to go to jail. Black men are 8% of the population in the United States and comprise 3% of college undergraduates and 48% of prison inmates. 1 … Continue reading

Posted on by Alexis

This weekend in LA, I went to see Art in the Streets — the exhibit on graffiti and street art at the Museum of Contemporary Art — a brilliant meditation and documentation of graffiti as an art form from the … Continue reading

Posted on by Alexis

My current work considers the role that culture – namely visual imagery – has on reinforcing and perpetuating racial stereotypes and biases in our minds.  Our think tank, American Values Institute (AVI) is a consortium of researchers and social change … Continue reading

Posted on by Alexis

Hello GIA and thanks for welcoming me into your community! The Talk Back Series marks an important milestone for me — my very first blog post!  This happens to be mildly ironic to me since I am neither an artist … Continue reading