How can we do better?
Monday, October 14, 10:00am – 11:30am
Organized by Ed Bourgeois, program manager, Western Arts Alliance, Advancing Indigenous Performance.
Presented by Quita Sullivan, program officer, New England Foundation for the Arts; Lori Pourier, president, First Peoples Fund; and Maria López De León, president & CEO, National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC).
As we dive deeper into the conversation of intersectionality, we often find ourselves quickly returning to the surface, gasping for air. It’s not as easy as it looks. Marginalized peoples each have their own agenda in combatting oppression. Explorations of intersectionality can help reveal points of commonality, but all too often expose ugly intercultural and interpersonal biases between us that cripple the collective effort. It can be much easier to fight the oppressor than it is to come together to fight for each other. What are the steps within and beyond intersectionality which we must take together? This session will be moderated by Quita Sullivan (Montaukett/Shinnecock), with panelists Lori Pourier (Oglala Lakota), and Maria López De León (Latinx). They will explore examples from the field of intercultural work being done, and some of the challenges faced by participants in that work. Participants will offer concrete steps toward positive collaboration from an Indigenous perspective, exploring how our cultural values drive our intentions and our work, and how understanding these values is a necessary first step in mutual respect and true intersectional solidarity going forward.