New Horizons in Arts Research
Monday, October 22, 2:00pm – 3:15pm
Organized by Anna Campbell, senior program officer, The Howard Gillman Foundation; and Ian David Moss, CEO, Knowledge Empower.
Moderated by Ian David Moss, CEO, Knowledge Empower. Presented by Alexis Frasz, co-director, Helicon Collaborative; Maria Rosario Jackson, senior advisor of Arts & Culture, The Kresge Foundation; and Charles J. Limb, chief, Division of Otology, Neurotology, and Skull Base Surgery, University of California San Francisco School of Medicine.
Every year, governments, foundations, and universities invest millions of dollars and thousands of hours in research on arts and culture. What have we learned from this body of work, and what are the most pressing challenges and opportunities on the horizon for arts research in the coming years? Moderated by Ian David Moss (ex-Createquity), this panel session and roundtable honors the spark of imagination and insatiable curiosity that together drive researchers to seek new discoveries. Join your resident arts nerds and policy wonks for a conversation about publications that inspire us, methodological innovations that make us jealous, the projects we wish we could do, and the questions that keep us up at night.