Fresh, Local, and Equitable
Food as a Creative Platform for Neighborhood Revitalization
Monday, October 17, 2:00pm – 3:15pm
Organized by Regina Smith, Managing Director – Arts and Culture, The Kresge Foundation.
Moderated by Lyz Crane, Deputy Director, ArtPlace America. Presented by David Chavis, Ph.D, Principal Associate/CEO, Community Science; Christa Drew, Consultant, DAISA Enterprises; and Chris Kabel, MPH, Deputy Director, The Kresge Foundation.
Throughout history, food has been a creative act tied to artistic and cultural expression, community, entrepreneurship, and health. America is experiencing a transformation in how we eat, produce, and distribute our food that reinvigorates these themes and revitalizes neighborhoods. In both large and small efforts, place-based, food-focused initiatives are beginning to braid arts and culture strategies together with comprehensive initiatives designed to revitalize low-income communities, in partnership with the residents, cultural tradition bearers, and culinary innovators. This session will focus on the initiative FreshLo, a collaboration between Kresge’s Arts & Culture and Health teams. FreshLo was designed to support and accelerate local efforts using food as an arts-infused platform for health, economic development, and cultural expression in low-income neighborhoods.