A Thousand Points of Light: The Trajectory of an Art Work
Monday, October 19, 10:00am – 11:30am
Organized and moderated by Esther Grisham Grimm, Executive Director, 3Arts; and Sacha Yanow, Director, Art Matters Foundation.
Presented by Rafa Esparza, artist; Erica Mott, artist; and Julie Tolentino, artist.
In an art world that increasingly calls upon artists to be entrepreneurs and to manage every aspect of their creative production, from fundraising to audience development, what does it take to make art work? This session features three artists in conversation, each revealing the trajectory of a single work of art as it is fueled by grants, professional development, partnerships, and elbow grease while they share the challenges, risks, and responsibilities of bringing their art to life. Following the presentations, an open exchange with session participants will delve into the ways that funders can become more entrepreneurial to help the creative process along, beyond the provision of money.