Organized by Josh Phillipson, program associate, The Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund. Presented by Michael David Murphy, photographer and program manager, Atlanta Celebrates Photography and Kate Harlan, Paideia High School student.
Social networking… Web 2.0… If you've paid attention over the last couple years you've heard these terms. These Social Networking applications can be portrayed as frivolous but they are very real tools especially in youth communities and for artists. This session will include an overview of what is out there touching on some of the major social network applications, a live demonstration of how a real high school student lives on Facebookconsuming, creating, commenting on art (and other things), and a discussion with a photographer about building a personal brand online, creating a career online and bringing an audience along from offline to online and back again. Throughout this session we will discuss how tools of Web 2.0 work for artists (and rarely against them).